About us

We empower you to own your well-being by using your energy to heal your body, mind, and soul.
Our job is to help you reach your full potential, set and achieve your goals, and create your source of happiness.
We do this by accompanying you to empower the tools for change that you already have, but that you do not use efficiently, to change what stops you and open the door to new experiences and new opportunities for growth, and as a result, live in new happiness.
Taking a holistic approach to self-realization, we ensure you get the support you need on your journey.
Certified Pranic Healing and Biomagnetic Practitioners, unless separately licensed to do so, do not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. We don't provide diagnosis, care, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health, or human development principles. We instead provide traditional counseling, bioenergetic, biofeedback, herbal, or nutritional modalities that may offer therapeutic benefits by supporting typical structure and function.
Meet our coach
Jorge M. Ospina, Electronic Engineer, 40+ years developing human talent.
Certified NLP Coach, Certified Pranic Healer, Biomagnetism Practitioner, Team Building and Change Management Expert.